Sunday 11 August 2013

Jagten (Thomas Vinterberg, 2012)

The Hunt features that stalwart of Danish cinema, Mads Mikkelsen, as a divorced father who helps out at a local kindergarten while trying to get back custody of his son. The title refers on a superficial level to his involvement with a men's hunting club, but it takes on a bitter irony as he becomes the prey instead when something carelessly spurted by a little girl to a teacher leads the community to hound him pitilessly as a child molester.
In the current climate of paranoia to do with paedophilia, their reaction, while unfounded and overblown, is sadly all too credible - a repeated refrain is the fallacy that children do not lie - and Mikkelsen once more invests a sorry story with a nobility and control of nuance that makes it compelling viewing.


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