Sunday, 5 February 2012

Perfect Sense (David Mackenzie, 2011)

Perfect Sense transcends the global epidemic genre by having little interest in the thriller or even science angles. It's a love story between a chef and a scientist who keep going through the world first losing its sense of smell and taste, and then incidents of complete deafness start occurring. Its starting premise may therefore be akin to Fernando Meirelles's accomplished Blindness, but the pandemonium that rises does not take in apocalyptic panoramas: it's internalised within the sufferers' minds.
There are shortcomings: the mere casting of inveterate self-exposers Ewan McGregor and Eva Green as the lovers promises a surfeit of kitless scenes, and these result in some longueurs. Then there are other scenes which pitch perilously close towards pure daftness. But the elegiac poetry that director Mackenzie brings to a crumbling world is classy.


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