Sunday, 18 December 2011

Snarveien (Severin Eskeland, 2009)

A couple driving along the backroads across the Norwegian-Swedish border in order to avoid excessive scrutiny of their boozy cargo are forced to divert onto an even smaller road, where, as we know from time-honoured convention, only bad things will happen. More specifically, attack by murderous hick nutjobs, since the leads are (a) a happy couple and (b) to be punished for sneaking away the means to chemical debauchery, and Scandinavian morality in horror films follows closely along American lines in these aspects. Not that Scandinavian horror has a wholly bad track record, even when recycling U.S. products this shamelessly, sometimes managing to add refreshing local flavours to the formula.
Detour, however, does not, adhering to the blueprint so depressingly closely that it even induces no winces, since you can always plot every start and development ten minutes ahead.


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