Monday 10 October 2011

Source Code (Duncan Jones, 2011)

Moon director 'son of Bowie' Jones's second at the very at least shows that he won't have a problem getting out of his father's shadow. Source Code may be an actioner, but it's a gratifyingly thoughtful one, as Jake Gyllenhaal, no doubt cast with his haunted breakthrough role in Donnie Darko in mind, wakes up on a train stuck in someone else's body, with eight minutes to live before the train blows up.
The strand that links this with Jones's debut may not immediately be apparent until a sense of existential dread sinks in, with Gyllenhaal forced to relive the same eight minutes over and over, tasked not with altering events - which he finds with increasing despair he's powerless to do - but merely finding out the why behind it all. This gives a film otherwise threatened with being just a rollercoaster composite of its many sources real philosophical clout.


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