Sunday, 31 July 2011

A Perfect Getaway (David Twohy, 2009)

A five-year hiatus after his misbegotten budget-blowing The Chronicles of Riddick, director Twohy returns apparently having decided on more modest settings, and also venturing outside the sci-fi umbrella for the first time. Hawaii, then, with a couple of honeymooning hikers becoming increasingly spooked by reports of a double murder on the neighbouring island and by the opinionated, and at least borderline unhinged, stranger who latches on to them on the remote trail. A few more abrasive fellow travellers have already been introduced, and since we know we're in psycho slasher territory, the game's afoot to deduce who the killers are.
The choice of multiple sets of potential perpetrators is probably the film's only unique selling point in a jaded genre, and there's a hefty dollop of cheese in the reveal and finale, but at least Twohy keeps things ticking along efficiently until then.


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