Sunday, 31 July 2011

Cracks (Jordan Scott, 2009)

The setting of Scott's debut feature is a 1930s girls' boarding school, which we know will be a hothouse of burgeoning passions, and the teacher is Eva Green, who we know as a player of women with hidden psychoses. An exotic new girl, Maria Valverde enters the school, and the rule of lead girl Juno Temple over her roost is threatened as Miss takes an unhealthy interest in the new arrival.
It's not that Cracks is an unseemly stab at a period psychodrama, managing to generate a sense of disquiet in keeping with the unstable personalities of its immature coven, and it's artfully shot. But the ease of joining the dots in the above resume is disappointing, with Temple soon playing Thora Birch to Valverde's Keira Knightley: essentially a junior retread of The Hole, except without the real clencher.


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