Friday 15 April 2011

The Bank Job (Roger Donaldson, 2008)

Loosely based on the events of the Baker Street bank robbery in 1971, the haul of which was never recovered, The Bank Job also overlays a governmental corruption angle which plays with the urban myth that the stolen deposit boxes contained sensitive material relating to the monarchy.
Jason Statham is his usual grimacing geezer as the gang leader, visibly at a bit of a loose end as Clement and La Frenais's script will provide him with no opportunity to chin his way through to the jackpot. So it's left in a limbo between heist thriller and bumblers' farce, and doesn't really satisfy on either count, while chucking Soho porn kings and black power activists into the blender too in an attempt to alchemise a filling meal.
Full marks for rose-tinted Sweeney-ish '70s period detail, though.


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