Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Aanrijding in Moscou (Christophe Van Rompaey, 2008)

Matty, a tired separated 40-something mother of three in a nondescript Belgian suburb meets a younger truck driver through a motoring mishap and eventually relaxes her guard with his uncomplicated advances. Happiness looms, and then the inevitable complications arise.
The film really belongs to Barbara Sarafian as the woman facing a big mid-life decision. She switches from steely stridency to girlish satisfaction wholly naturalistically in a captivating performance, bolstered by a script of unforced wit. Moscow, Belgium succeeds through a low-key approach in generating a feelgood vibe without having to resort to the stock contrivances of most romcoms, and depicting fundamental feelings and dilemmas without getting mired in navel-gazing. Wholly refreshing.


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