Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Moon (Duncan Jones, 2009)

Better to steal than to plagiarise. And if you're going to steal, steal from the best. So, Duncan Jones's debut plunders 2001, Dark Star, Silent Running and both versions of Solaris and somehow comes up with an end result that stands up on its own. Basically, it's the perennially underrated Sam Rockwell as the sole astronaut manning a mining base on the moon and going slowly mad in the process. Things decisively take a turn for the worse when he meets himself.
I'm not at liberty to reveal any more, but, while this never reaches the idiosyncratic or poetic heights of the sources it's indebted to, it's well-meshed together, taut and acute. A fine addition to the cerebral space sci-fi canon, and a whole lot more cohesive than Sunshine.


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