Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Drag Me to Hell (Sam Raimi, 2009)

Oh dear. One never expected Sam Raimi to become mediocre. Not after such schlock classics as the Evil Dead films, Crimewave or Darkman, or indeed the first two Spider-Man films, which combined wit and brio with fan gratification in just the right proportions. But here it is: the first actual Raimi film (I thought I'd forgive him for Spider-Man 3; keeping a comic-book franchise fresh is superhumanly hard work) which leaves me utterly indifferent. Anyone could have made this.
A loan officer, played by the instantly forgettable Alison Lohman, declines a gypsy a loan and is consequently cursed to hell. Then pursued by spooks and demons of various kinds for 90 minutes, on an unswervingly dull path to the denouement. And I thought horror was meant to have surprises in it. D'oh!


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