Sunday 9 April 2023

Three Thousand Years of Longing (George Miller, 2022)

It's safe to say that the directorial career of George Miller has been an eclectic one. Mad Max and all its sequels, Lorenzo's Oil, Babe: Pig in the City and now Tilda Swinton as a professor of narratology who releases the djinn Idris Elba from a bottle she buys in Istanbul, and then we're off with him telling his story over the last 3,000 years, quite clearly aiming to convince her to make the three earnest wishes that will set him free for good that while she insists that she is perfectly content with her life.
The tales he tells, all set in the Middle East and illustrating human desires, folly and cruelty, are somewhat overburdened by the opulent visuals, but the interplay between Swinton and Elba is captivating, with her accusing him of being a trickster as in all classical stories about djinns and him retorting by effectively questioning her very humanity. Certainly an uncommon premise for a romantic fantasy, it's chaotic as a whole, but the two leads hold it together.


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