Saturday 25 March 2023

Prospect (Zeek Earl & Chris Caldwell, 2018)


An odd little fish, this. In the age of mega-budget FX-heavy sci-fi blockbusters, it's highly uncommon for indie filmmakers to venture into the genre at all, let alone the extraterrestrial future subgenre. Nevertheless, we're asked to take on faith that the characters of Prospect, a father and daughter looking for treasure, are on a biohazard-filled alien planet and not just the American national park which it was filmed in, and their spaceship and tools, which would have looked dated even in the 1970s, somehow got them there.
So the film has to fall back on plot, performances and dialogue, and while there are no surprises in terms of how the story turns once the protagonists' venture quickly heads south, is just about stands up on the strength of the latter two aspects, particularly a pre-The Mandalorian Pedro Pascal as smooth-talking chancer in the mould of Tom Hanks in the remake of The Ladykillers. It's at least diverting and proves that there is still hope for sci-fi aspirants outside the big studio system.


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