Friday 17 February 2023

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (Ryan Coogler, 2022)

 Another MCU franchise trundles on, unsurprising considering the huge commercial success of the first instalment and it's very much a case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", with all the same principal protagonists, apart from the original hero played by the sadly-deceased Chadwick Boseman. The film milks his memory for all it's worth, and then moves on to introducing a new antagonist in the form of Namor, the king of a sub-aquatic civilisation with a bee in his bonnet about the possibility of the greedy surface nations acquiring the super-mineral vibranium, the source of both Wakanda's and his people's power and security.
It is sad to see how many people will insist on this again being somehow fresh and divergent from the superhero film norm, when all that's actually different is that the majority of the cast are black. That aside, we still get non-Europeans mostly played by British and American actors, interminable and repetitive fight scenes, oodles of unimaginative CGI (fittingly, the sub-aquatics are really just Na'vi underwater) and all this built on the infantile notion that all a nation needs to become technologically and socially advanced is to be gifted one natural mega-resource. Don't believe the hype.


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