Monday 12 September 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder (Taika Waititi, 2022)

The Thor saga continues with the hero still in "The Dude" Lebowski mode, moping around and performing slapdash heroics here and there with the Guardians of the Galaxy until he finally gets a mission when someone starts killing all the gods across the universe. Meanwhile on Earth, his ex, Jane Foster, staves off her terminal cancer by using his hammer, which also gives her his powers. So two gods of thunder then.
Yes, it's as much of a muddle as it sounds. And of course flashy FX have to be to the fore, though Christian Bale as the god-killer does make a more layered villain than usual, with actual justifiable motives, and the hammy comedy throughout, as you can expect with Waititi directing again, makes for a more diverting ride. Still, it's hard to see where they can go with the character from here. There's nothing much more to be explored.


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