Saturday 19 June 2021

The Dead Don't Die (Jim Jarmusch, 2019)

Maybe the dead don't die, but the zombie genre decisively has, and I wonder almost as much why I still persist with watching them as I do at Jarmusch's motive for making one. Since he dabbled with the nearly equally moribund vampire genre to productive effect with Only Lovers Left Alive, it was tempting to think he might have something to breathe life into the less interesting species of the undead. Unfortunately, this is just a sleepwalking comedy take, borrowing heavily from Dawn of the Dead for its parallels between the mindless behaviour of the deceased and the mindless behaviour they exhibited when still living consumers, and while the deadpan dialogue between a cast of Jarmusch's heavyweight regulars engenders goodwill and the ho-hum air they have at their impending doom is a nice break from the normal hysterics that zombie apocalypses entail, it's really totally aimless.


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