Monday 26 April 2021

Stowaway (Joe Penna, 2021)

Another year and yet another mission-to-Mars flick. They have to have a twist beyond the basic fight against the hostility of space by now, so this one posits that a three-person crew finds themselves burdened with an accidental extra passenger, and has to take an excruciatingly tough decision on how to deal with it, with supplies no longer being sufficient for all of them.
That really is the film's only selling point: the rest is the usual supposedly thrilling, interminable spacewalks to try to fix technical problems and a lot of tearful agonising over their plight. It sells itself as hard sci-fi and then cuts corners anywhere it can when that gets too awkward, so we're to believe, for example, that the multi-billion dollar spaceship's systems essentially have no built-in redundancy. Then, after two hours, it ends on an utterly illogical and avoidable act of self-sacrifice and yet no actual conclusion.


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