Sunday 19 July 2020

The Day Shall Come (Chris Morris, 2019)

The less-than-prolific genius provocateur Morris returns to helm a film six years after Four Lions, and it's hard to see what he's been doing since, apart from continuing to rest on the laurels of his imperious reign of TV satire in the '90s. The protagonists may now be poor would-be black revolutionaries in Miami, but they're essentially just the same hapless bunch of clowns as the wannabe terrorists of the last film. The changes in the set-up, so that the FBI are constantly trying to come up with ways to incriminate the four-man 'army' in order to keep their anti-terror success rates up, and that the crackpot crew refuse to take the path of violence again and again, to the frustration of the FBI, shift the emphasis enough so the target isn't really the idealistic protagonists but the amoral machinations of the US Government, but it's far too unfocused and broad to work. There is still an acute ear for absurd turns of phrase, but one would expect so much more from Morris. He needs to rediscover his precision targeting quickly, because we need him badly.


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