Saturday 9 May 2020

Code 8 (Jeff Chan, 2019)

Well, let's see what the punters like...superpowered mutants, check. Near-future authoritarian dystopias, check. Heists, check. That about does it. Do we need a premise beyond splicing all of this together? Hell, no.
It's Canada and individuals with 'powers' are being ostracised by the rest of society, à la X-Men, after having served their purpose in building up the economy to the point where they can now be replaced by machines. That'll be the somewhat heavy-handed political message dealt with, then. As for the actual story, a preternaturally powered young man falls in with similarly-gifted crooks to try to make enough money to restore his mother's rapidly failing health, and then has no end of moral hand-wringing over it. There is the requisite number of bangs and chases, but the hero is a drip and the principal villain, their gangster boss, is strictly cookie-cutter odious. Nothing reprehensible here, but nothing of distinguishing merit either.


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