Friday 3 May 2019

Incredibles 2 (Brad Bird, 2018)

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, and while the quality of animation may have moved on a bit since the first instalment in 2004 (although this hardly gives added value, since the pleasure of the first film was always more in the humour and inventiveness than in the FX), the set-up remains the same, with Brad Bird wisely returning to helm instead of leaving the franchise for someone else to mess up.
Now, the family has been forced into a quiet life due to superheroes having been declared illegal, until a marketing man comes calling with an offer to revamp the image of superheroes in the eyes of the public. Of course, this turns out to be a bit of a poisoned pill.
While the action sequences are quite stunning, they are also interminable and the film's strongest suit is again in its comedy in the slower scenes in between, namely Mr. Incredible's wearying travails at looking after the kids while his wife is out saving the world for PR purposes. Doubtless, the franchise won't end here, so it would be nice to think that a better balance between the rollercoaster parts and the domestic and satirical stuff would be achieved next time. Chance would be a fine thing. Nevertheless, it's still head and shoulders above most modern blockbuster animations in all aspects, and with plenty that adults can really sink their teeth into too.


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