Sunday 25 March 2018

Annihilation (Alex Garland, 2018)

Garland continues to move over from writing to directing with a sense of purpose, which isn't immediately apparent here at the start, where we're led to expect a sort of splicing of Contact with Southern Comfort, as a team of female scientists is sent into a constantly-growing anomaly that has appeared suddenly in swampland and caused the disappearance of everyone already sent in to investigate it. bar the lead character's husband, who came back a wreck. They then get tooled up in Predators-style, and begin coming across the same kind of lethal mutated beasts that would imply.
Most sci-fi/action films would stop there, but as Garland showed with Ex Machina, where the AI template was subverted to disquieting effect, his ambition is greater. 2001 large, in fact, as the alien presence behind the nightmarish chaos turns out to be unlike anything we've seen before. It has plenty of rough edges, but that's usually what you get with things destined to become cult classics.


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