Tuesday, 22 August 2017

The Family (Luc Besson, 2013)

Besson, who it's fair to say hasn't made a truly decent film since the 1990s, still ploughs on with variable results despite his recent promises/threats of quitting. Here, a Mafia family is relocated under witness protection to a small town in France, where they are supposed to keep their heads down at all costs. Because the apparent aim is to create a comedy of cross-cultural differences, they naturally fail to do so, with the kids proving their gangster toughness at school, while Robert De Niro as the father pretty much blows his mob cover completely at a film showing and Michelle Pfeiffer as the mother blows up a local store who have upset her. It's broad stuff, with only a few comedic moments that work, and ends up in the usual Besson action finale. Ho hum.


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