Monday, 20 February 2017

Remainder (Omer Fast, 2015)

A man rushing away from a building in the City of London is struck by falling debris from a building and, upon waking up from a coma, finds himself millions richer through an out-of-court settlement by the company that owns the building in question. Suffering from amnesia, he sets about recreating everything he can remember through sets and actors to jog his memory and things get out of hand as a criminal connection is revealed.
It's difficult to feel at all for the central character with his diffidence and disregard for anything beyond himself, and this the critical failing of the film. It's a shame, because it becomes apparent very late on that there's the seed of a very complex narrative structure struggling to manifest itself as time becomes a loop and every scene that has passed needs to be reevaluated. There is as much that frustrates as that which intrigues. This may have a lot to do with the director being a video artist: the end result generates more ideas than it's capable of, or even interested in, answering.


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