Thursday, 3 March 2016

Mad Max: Fury Road (George Miller, 2015)

Nominally a sequel to the original trilogy, Mad Max: Fury Road is in effect really a recycling of the second and third films, with the world already completely gone to hell and all semblance of a normal society long vanished. To be fair, this does mean that by now Max is truly mad, but that's just about all the continuation adds, bar ramping up the action intensity even more. The mere fact that there is much less reliance on CGI, which is by now widely reviled, than in most modern action films has been held up as a virtue to a wholly depressing extent: there is just too little let-up in the pace and sooner or later anyone with an attention span of over two seconds will find themselves zoning out. Tom Hardy is an actor of real presence, but he could be replaced here by almost anyone and you wouldn't notice, with so little room for actual characterisation. It's hard to see what makes the whole any better than, say, the critically panned The Chronicles of Riddick.


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