Monday 10 November 2014

Outpost 11 (Anthony Woodley, 2012)

Ok, so World War I (presumably) has gone on for 40 years and there are three British soldiers in protracted isolation at an Arctic listening station. There is the weary officer, his veteran King-and-Country No 2, who is also addicted to drugs and wanking, and of course the timid rookie to round it off. Then they all go insane under psychotropic chemical attack.
Outpost 11 cannot be faulted for ambition, including its camerawork, which has positively arthouse aspirations. Unfortunately, it can be faulted for everything else. The script has all the hallmarks of having been written on a mucky Kleenex by an FPS-addled teen, its 'the horror of war' musings notwithstanding, and the inevitable eventual gore is to little purpose but to arouse distaste. Even Danny Dyer, Sean Pertwee and co. must have viewed this with suspicion if approached to come on board.


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