Saturday 4 October 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Anthony & Joe Russo, 2014)

Round two of the super-patriot's own series and there's an inkling that some of the discomfort Americans must feel about their role in the world is seeping in even here. Or perhaps naturally here, since the character is so ludicrously anachronistic, that there's just no keeping out some references to it, even if they do tend to be along the lines of literal comments on the Cap being a man out of his time. Well, the franchise must be protected and so you can laugh with him, as long as he's in on the joke.
That said, this is better than the first part, just because it's darker, with a proper U.S. Government-infesting conspiracy going on rather than just the cartoon Nazis. Of course, darkness does not equal depth, but it does at least occasionally fool willing viewers into believing it might.


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