Thursday 18 September 2014

Kong Curling (Ole Endresen, 2011)

Truls Pålsen is a man hard put-upon by his overmedicated OCDs and bossy wife, trying to make a comeback in the curling rink to win the money his ailing mentor needs for a transplant. Various complications and shenanigans ensue on the way to eventual triumph.
Curling King is a blatant copy of The Big Lebowski, right down to the zoomed face shots, tripped-out cutaways and the composition of the hero's motley crew and bragging rival, with just the thriller bit removed. With that large qualifier, it does however have some genuinely chortlesome moments of its own and an amiable irreverence that makes for a harmless piece of fun. Thank God the Norwegians clearly don't have the need for a fist-pumping Vince Vaughn to rally behind in this kind of thing: the frowning blob that is Pålsen remains endearingly hangdog-like even in victory.


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