Saturday, 16 November 2013

After Earth (M. Night Shyamalan, 2013)

Did anyone need another scenario with a devastated future Earth and a senior statesman of an action hero being tested by its CGI tribulations? Yet this year we had two appear simultaneously and the only seemingly judicious choice made by Shymalan, who is by now justly maligned for the bottom line of his output, over the set-up of Oblivion,  is to focus the action on Will Smith's son instead. Or, rather, that would have been a wise move if Jaden Smith in his teens demonstrated any evidence of acting ability in place of constant whining.
They have crashed on an Earth populated by monsters and the son has to undertake a perilous trek to retrieve a rescue beacon, pursued by a sort of amorphous giant sausage with claws, while injured Smith Sr. at base camp issues gruff Jediisms over the radio. This is sold as father-and-son bonding, but that won't work when you basically want the little prick to shut his trap and sit still. What you absolutely don't want is a trilogy of this guff, and yet that was something mooted, at least until the reviews came out.


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