Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Clone (Benedek Fliegauf, 2010)

Also known as Womb, this is essentially a story of emotional obsession, with science fiction trappings, strongly reminiscent in tone and pace of the same year's Never Let Me Go. Eva Green stars as a woman who raises the clone of her dead boyfriend up as her son, in a part that could pretty much have been tailor-made for her, with the air of underlying emotional instability that saturates all of her roles and range of speechless suffering looks. Doctor Who's Matt Smith, has a game attempt at doing the boyfriend/son, although there is basically no behavioural distinction between the two juvenile personae he has to portray, which is perhaps more a shortcoming on the director's part.
This is never a film to opt for jump-cuts when lingering on a stationary tableau is available, but this does give the viewer time to consider the full implications of the ethical and emotional complexity involved, and to the film's credit its intentions are wholly serious in this regard.


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