Saturday, 22 September 2012

Iron Sky (Timo Vuorensola, 2012)

€7.5 million may be a hefty budget for a Scandinavian sci-fi film, which has also benefited from a heap of free online community help to make up the shortfall in technical quality compared to its big-studio competition, and Iron Sky can best be viewed as an exercise in how to wring the maximum bangs out of relatively limited bucks. Unfortunately, bangs are about all it's good for. 'Nazis from the Moon invade Earth' is a passable daft B-movie concept, and the irreverence the makers show towards all and sundry, even their own countrymen, promises harmless fun. If only it wasn't so painfully unfunny. Never mind the English and German of the film, but the language of wit is also a foreign one to the team of scriptwriters. The director and producer's previous online release, a leaden-footed and pointless pastiche of Star Trek, should probably have served as adequate warning.


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