Wednesday 15 June 2011

I'm Still Here (Casey Affleck, 2010)

Actor Casey Affleck follows Joaquin Phoenix around with a camera, with the prodigiously gifted actor in the apparent throes of a nervous breakdown, effing left, right and centre railing at all who would mock him as he becomes progressively more incoherent and dishevelled, having convinced himself to pack in the acting lark and become a ludicrously incompetent rapper instead. That's it in a nutshell, which also serves as a full synopsis.
Except that we now know that Affleck and Phoenix then turned around and declared it all to have been faked, with the intent of picking apart the nature of celebrity as built up and torn down by the tabloid media. All well and good then, and God knows some of the unwitting collaborators, such the terminally self-important and humourless P. Diddy or David Letterman, deserved being taken down a peg or three for their credulity. But if it is satire, it needs to have something perceptive to say, and an hour and a half of Phoenix bumbling and ranting, however convincing he may be at it, doesn't cut the mustard.


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