Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Legion (Scott Charles Stewart, 2010)

Assault on Precinct 13 with warring archangels? How could that not float your boat?
Quite easily, it seems. This is a clunky piece that steals the ideas of better films and tries to pass them off as its own. Paul Bettany, in nicking his Hollywood dollar, could have chosen better than as a tooled-up archangel Michael; this may turn out to be a career-wrecker. None of the rest of the cast have to worry, though: they're either nobodies or if you want Dennis Quaid in your film, you probably already have his agent's number.
As with so many failures in the pseudobiblical genre, there was the germ of a good idea - the second coming, and a war in Heaven. It all gets lost along the way, and turned into inferior survival horror.


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