Sunday 17 October 2010

Dead Man Running (Alex De Rakoff, 2009)

This lists Rio Ferdinand and Ashley Cole amongst the executive producers, and features ubergeezer Danny Dyer as a weaselly chav along with Tamer Hassan's lead and 50 Cent as a crime lord. Therefore, it does exactly what it says on the tin: aimless London gangstah fare in the Guy Ritchie mould, except lacking the wit that he at least occasionally managed with his first pieces.
On the plus side, it's handled with gusto, but the narrative is riddled with inconsistencies and it's really asking too much to care about two thugs simply because they've been set the usual 24-hour deadline to come up with a wodge of wonga or else they're history; at the end of the day it's just amoral morons robbing and punching their way to an undeserved survival.


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